[0.0] Emerald City Styling Primer

Hey all. Thanks for checking in. We wanted to set up a blog to keep everyone back east and other family and friends on top of all the current happenings in our fantastically exciting lives in our new Seattle habitat. It's tough to speak to everyone enough to share all of the new happenings, so we figured this is a pretty good tool.

Let me start by pointing out our request under the blog title. We do strongly encourage you to take the utmost advantage of our hospitality and let us be your guide to the greater Puget Sound area. We already have so much to share with guests. We already have one Hayes and an Allen/Palan visit in September, and Vlady-mom and dad coming in October.

A couple of points regarding the blog. Dave's posts will be in Blue and Lisa's in Black so that we can speak in first person and you'll know who is speaking...er, typing. We'll not be posting everyday as some other overly ambitious bloggers do. Quite frankly, we'd rather spend the time getting out and experiencing our new hometown. Instead, we'll likely post once or twice per week to get you up to speed on the ride of our lives. Buckle up, keep all limbs inside the car, and enjoy the ride.

1 comment:

RoadTripper said...

"not be posting everyday as some other overly ambitious bloggers do."...gee, I wonder who that dig is directed at.

Best wishes!