No longer do we have to use the word "temporary" in front of "home". For those of you unaware, we bought a townhome in th
e Fremont section of Seattle. Our stuff, all 12,000 pounds of it, arrived on Tuesday the 7th. We lost a desk and a few small things that were destroyed in the move. Fozzie was a bit unsettled by the whole process and hid in the bushes. Our next task, a monumental one that still has us toiling, was unpacking. Even with Lisa being "ruthless" in her keep vs. toss routine, we're still struggling to get things put away and it's two weeks later. And I hope Lisa harbors no hopes of getting her car in the garage before, say...hmmm, October, maybe.

Despite our lack of a microwave, refrigerator, and washer/dryer, we moved into the new place on 16 August. The washer/dryer came the next day, which made Lisa very happy. Unfortunately, we also learned that the refrigerator would be delayed another week, making Lisa very unhappy. We lived out of a cooler for the next week, which required my going to the corner market once per day to get a bag of ice or two. We kept the bare essentials in the cooler and used the opportunity to explore our new neighborhood, eating out most nights. We'll get to the neighborhood update in a later post, but for now suffice it to say that we are very happy with our choice of surroundings.
I spent the first week or two getting appliances and other necessities, unpacking, and moving things into place while trying to keep the garage relatively organized as our catch-all for stuff.
Kudos to anyone that can figure out my organizational system from the picture. I also took a few breaks each day to explore our new neighborhood and those surrounding it. After the house was habitable and we were able to move around, I began to focus on my job search. Any networking opportunities that you as our blog readership care to pass along will be greatly appreciated. As for Lisa, she's been adapting to work--I'm going to try to get her to post an update on her job. She seems to be enjoying the newness of it and liking her co-workers and working environment. She's also become quite the adept commuter, learning the bus system here and buying what I believe is her first ever monthly bus pass. While this may be likely to end once she gets off the waiting list and has a garage space at work, at least she can claim a devout dedication to environmental matters in the interim. In the interim.

On Friday the 24th, blessed be GE, our refrigerator arrived. Lisa's life is complete. Doesn't she look happy? Either that or she's trying out for a modeling
gig on "The Price is Right". We celebrated by going out to dinner and bringing home about five forkfuls of risotto, just to put something in the fridge. The next day we nuked it in our microwave which had also arrived a day before the fridge. We are fully applianced and it feels good. We've actually also been able to settle in a bit. The pic below shows Nigel and I "settling in". If you look closely, you can notice that I've opted for the beat-poet-hipster-doofus-rebel-without-a-clue look. Nigel has chosen the "dead cat" look that's all the rage in feline circles. Gwen and Nigel are happy now that the couch is here.

1 comment:
I'll bid $1298 for the fridge......
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