As mentioned in a previous post, we're pretty confident that we have moved into a neighborhood that we'll love. We now live in the Seattle section known as Fremont, which is widely know around the area as "The Center of the Universe". Modesty is a common trait among those of us here in Fremont. In the interest of brevity, I'll spare you a full description

The neighborhood is a mix of older houses (circa 1920), small apartment buildings (1970s maybe), and relatively new townhouses. While our

Now, the walk downhill (and back up) is not bad at all, but I'm imagining it will be a different story once the rain comes. Luckily, there is a great little market close by and there are a number of food options that are a much closer walk such as Persimmon and Fremont Classic. However, the crown jewel of these is Paseo. While we were house hunting in the area, we passed by this small nondescript storefront, partially obscured by trees, and bearing no sign. It was only noticeable due to the large crowd of people standing outside on the sidewalk. We later learned why. Part of the reason is that there's just not a whole lot of space in the restaurant, basically just the kitchen, a counter, and two tables. But the crowds come for the caribbean food. My current favorite is the Cuban Roast sandwich, which has just about the best pork I've ever tasted.

It's sad when the picture is of a troll and me. And the troll looks better.
If you noticed, I named the file for that picture, "Trolls".
Of course the troll looks better than you Scott........that's easy.
Dave, I'm worried about Buckaroo Tavern too. A place like that shouldn't intimidate Battlestar. Bring a kevlar vest and all should be fine.
Also, since Scott has decided to stop blogging, it's up to you to pick up the slack. So start thinking of some interesting stories for us to read.....
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