We're going to start a running feature on the blog. At the bottom of the column to the right of your screen, You will see a list entitled "Things We've Learned About Seattle:Good, Bad, & Pointless". Some of these will be more entertaining than informative, some the reverse. Some will be pretty obvious and every once in a while, we'll try to slip one by you and make something up. This is to help all of you better understand what it means to live in Seattle and to help us fill the space on this blog.
From time to time we'll post explanations, but we're more likely just to post one-liners that you'll have to interpret for yourselves until our explanatory column, if necessary, comes. For the first entries, we'll give a little background.
1. Seattle has a lot of coffee shops: When we were v
isiting Seattle for Lisa's job in
terview and trying to decide if we liked it, we walked about six blocks from our hotel down to Pike Place Market, and then walked back up, one avenue over. We counted 11 Starbucks (including the first Starbucks store). This does not include the Peets and
Best Coffee shops and others that dotted the walk as well. We have three coffee shops within three blocks of our home. It reminds me of an old Onion article. By the way, neither Lisa nor I drink coffee regularly.

2. There ar
e also a lot of cyclists: This makes Lisa very happy. There's more lycra spandex around here than at a world gymnastics meet. And it's not all "good" spandex if you know what I mean. How some of these people ride regularly and retain their "shape" is beyond me. But from what we understand, there are more than a few people that commute via bike year round. Let that sink in.

3. Cars stop for pedestrians (especially those like Spandex guy to the right) and jaywalking laws are enforced: A two for one list item, and no, we did not find the latter out through firsthand experience. Both learning to stop for pedestrians and learning to cross with the light or at crosswalks have taken some adjustment for Dave.
Well, this has just been a tease. We've got more, so watch this space.
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