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Lisa and I were able to experience our first real festival in our Fremont neighborhood on October 31. If you've been following the blog, you've seen pictures of the Troll under the bridge that brings a bit of fame to our little corner of the world. Well, apparently every year on Halloween, or Trolloween as it's called around here, a group of folks have a big event to bring the Troll to life (and no, B, that's not a sexual metaphor). Well we had no idea what to expect, light-hearted party or full-blown voodoo ceremony. As it turned out, it was a bit of both.
Lisa and I headed down there that evening and were surprised that the police had blocked off the street. Apparently this might be more than a few zealots chanting at the Troll. As we neared, we saw a crowd of people, maybe around 500 or so, encircling a stage that was set up in the street, in front of the Troll. About half of the folks there wore some kind of costume, which Lisa and I had forgone. The "show" had already begun. We staked out our spot up on the hill where the Troll makes its home, throwing caution to the wind and counting on one of two things, either a) the Troll was not coming to life, or b) if he did come to life, he was a kind and benevolent Troll.
The show consisted of several warmup acts such as a fire eater, sword swallower, fire twirler, and two really poor singers. Lisa was ready to go, not really being entertained, or more to the point, not having enough alcohol in her system to appreciate the goings on. After the acts finished, we heard loud drums off in the distance--down the street. The crowd around the stage parted and a parade of drummers and dancers emerged, all clad in tight black body suits painted with skeletons. It reminded me a bit of the scene in King Kong where the natives call Kong with their sacrifice of the young blond. This was entertaining, but alas, failed to bring the Troll to life.
After the ceremony, the drummers and dancers led the parade of revelers from the Troll, down 36th street, and into the center of Fremont for more revelry. As we checked
out the folks in the parade, I was a bit disappointed by the costumes. The creativity was nowhere near the level that you see in the Halloween parade in the Village in NYC. There were a couple of people that put serious work into their costumes, but they are tough to describe, like the guy who wore a "V for Vendetta" mask with an afro and a smoking jacket. Next year this will take place on Friday night, and we promised ourselves that we would take part in the festivities by dressing up and by having a few drinks before the show.
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Good day, loyal blog-ites. I first have to apologize for the sparse frequency of posts recently. We've been quite busy. However, while this has meant a gap in posts, it also means the posts should be coming fast and furious for the next few days since we've got so much to clue you all into. When we last left our heroes, Lisa and Dave were awaiting the Vlady-parents. After a few fun-filled days with them, there was a treasure trove of blog material. However, I'm going to hold off on that post until I get the pictures from Mom. After the parental visit, we headed back east for a wedding, which is documented below. Future posts will also include Trolloween, the comedy club, and our "meet the neighbors gathering", so watch this space as I hope to cover all this material before spending a week in Mexico starting on the 12 Nov for work.
Anyway, back to the wedding weekend. Lisa and I made a whirlwind trip to York, PA. We flew in late Friday night to Harrisburg and headed back out Sunday after the wedding. Mark, Lisa's friend from her east coast ski club was to marry his sweetheart, Lucy. We were, according to the invite, supposed to witness "rock and roll history as Mark and Lucy swap spit for the first time as husband and wife."
But before the wedding itself we have cover the locale, York, PA. I learned that York served as our nation's capital (actually, I might have known that once back in 7th grade Social Studies but hey, c'mon, that was 25 years ago). We stayed in a great old hotel on a main drag in downtown York and got to walk around a bit on Saturday before the wedding. Lisa went to get her nails done and I walked out to meet her. Well, about half way through my walk I met Evangelist Bill, as I call him. He shook my hand, and proceeded to shake my hand while walking for two city blocks. In that time he also asked me if I was prepared for the afterlife, said a prayer with me, and made me promise to recruit servants from the west coast to work for the Holy Spirit. I'm working on it, Bill. So far I've recruited our two cats and the afternoon barrista at Lighthouse Coffee Roasters around the corner.
Two other notable things about downtown York. There are posted signs that say "No Cruising -- You will be ticketed if you pass this sign more than twice between the hours of 8PM and 3AM." You know you live in a pretty boring town if there's a "no cruising" sign. And then we walked into a Rite Aid to pick up a few things and saw one of the most disturbing things ever. The video below is pretty raw since it was taken with my phone, but take my word for it, I'm not voting for Hillary if her election means more of these on the market. I've not been this freaked out since the first Chucky movie.
Anyway, on to the wedding. It was held at the Valencia Ballroom, which was pretty cool in itself. It was where the big bands used to play back in the 1920s -1940s. We knew it would be a slightly different affair when the string quartet played "White Wedding" by Billy Idol among its classical pieces pre-ceremony. Lucy and Mark swapped spit, with a little "ass grab" by Mark for good measure. The wedding party was introduced and each entered the ballroom to their individual songs. Rock on. After we got the DJ to play a string of danceable 80s stuff and disco, we wore the varnish off the floor.
We didn't know that many folks at the wedding, outside of the other ski club representative, Bruce, with his wife Mara. Mark and Lucy represented the third ski club wedding in less than a year, following Bruce and Mara in December and Lisa and myself in May.
So a great time was had by all and we end with congratulations to Mark and Lucy as they head off to Tahiti to start a great life together.
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Just a quick post today as Lisa and I are heading back to the east coast for Mark and Lucy's wedding in York, PA. Thus you'll all have to wait for the much anticipated description of my parents' visit this past weekend. For now, just a couple of quick tidbits on my trip to Myrtle Beach with the boys. This is primarily for Scott, who used his move to Phoenix as an excuse to bail on this year's trip. If Alan had his way, we'd have sent Scott text messages constantly throughout the weekend telling him what a good time we were having.Thanks to Mike for finding us another great house right on the beach (photo to the right is of the sunrise from our deck overlooking the dunes)
Congrats to Alex for putting together three great rounds of golf and not giving anyone else a chance at individual honors
Congrats to all of us who played three days of football on the beach, before and after golf, and managed to avoid any hospital visits
"Old School" play once again rules at the pong table...although any play by a bunch of guys approaching 40 has got to be considered old schoolKudos to Tommy for only two club throws in four days---and for getting out of this mess
Honors to JJ for worst travel experience by being stuck at Newark for 6 hours waiting for his flight to Myrtle to leave
And thanks to my team for putting the team competition pretty much out of reach on day 2
See you guys next year in Ireland...
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Hey, all. Apologies for the delay and lack of posts for the last two weeks, but East Coast things were afoot. We've got lots to catch up on including our weekend in NJ, my trip to Myrtle Beach, and my parents visit to Seattle so we'll take this in manageable chunks. We flew into Newark on Friday and after dropping off our things at my parents house, we headed into Hoboken for dinner with the gang. Some highlights of the dinner:
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Short post today as we're headed east this weekend for Auntie's birthday. If I'm not mistaken, she's 29...again. I'm writing this on Friday, but she doesn't know we're coming in for the party, so it's being posted on Saturday after the shindig.
After the party, Lisa heads back to Seattle on Sunday and I'm hanging around NJ for some family time and a couple of meetings for work. Then on Thursday the gang and I head down to Myrtle Beach for the weekend for our annual golf trip.
One other point of note. Once again, Fozzie has, not surprisingly, become more popular than me. It happened in Hoboken all the time. We'd be out for a walk and people would come up and say "hi" to Foz and have no idea who I was. Well, I forgot to mention it in the Soapbox race post, but at the race, a girl in her 20s walks up and says, "Oh my god, it's Fozzie. Hi, Fozzie." I had no idea who she was until she explained that she worked at Great Dog, the day care facility that I'd been using for Foz. Then there's the dog park where people say hi to Fozzie and maybe manage a slight nod in my general direction. He's a rockstar. And my complex grows.
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We finished off a big week--we've already been to Oktoberfest and had the Vegas trip--with Fozzie, Lisa and I headed out to Fremont Avenue on Saturday for the Red Bull Soapbox Race that made a local stop about three blocks from our house. The event is held on a fairly regular basis around the country and encourages creativity and engineering, but this is not your Boy Scout event to earn a merit badge, this is serious stuff. Mostly adult teams compete and have to build a vehicle that is gravity-powered and weighs no more than 176 lbs. In addition, teams are rated on the look of the vehicle, the speed, and overall creativity, which meant most teams did a short skit before launching the cart into the course. I think there was some alcohol invol
ved prior to some of these skits. Needless to say, this event had it all: Thrills, spills, and a flying pickle. The course was also outfitted with video screens and speakers so one could follow the action throughout the whole 800 meter course (you can see the Seattle Sonics Sasquatch entry on the screen). And just to lend an air of credibility to the proceedings, judges included Olympian Amanda Beard, Seattle Sonic Nick Collison, and how can you have a soapbox derby without Sir Mix-a-lot as a judge.
The event started with the pace car taking off. The only motorized car in the race, the pace car was the Red Bull NASCAR entry. It was followed over the next 2.5 hours by 37 entries that ranged from the hysterical to the ludicrous to the outright pathetic. I'll start with the winning team, who recreated the best TV show of all time featuring a large, black man with a mohawk. That's right, th
e A-team. Their opening skit had B.A. Baracus (the caucasian Mr. T in this case) and the rest of the team foiling evil doers. Then Murdock jumped into the "van" and sped to the bottom of the hill. There was a local newswoman at the bottom interviewing each contestant. The A-team's response when asked how it went? "I love it when a plan comes together".
The course was a bit difficult for some of the teams to negotiate. After the team's skit, each was required to send the car and driver(s) down a ramp and into an immediate 90-degree berm before the long stretch down Fremont which was broken up by two "S" turns along the way. About six or so teams failed to make it past the first turn. The train below was one of the successful ones. The team from Anytime Fitness was not. They lost a wheel coming down the entry ramp, but that did not deter the driver as you can see.
There were fast cars (you can tell how fast each car was going by how blurry it is) such as "Stifflers Mom Presents: Miss Red Bull"...
And not so fast cars...
I failed to get a picture of "The Crapsters" which was a large toilet bowl with the driver inside, dressed in all brown. Their skit consisted of shooting toilet paper off rolls into the air. Now that's creativity. But I leave you with my personal favorite, the team from Arizona that comprised a zookeeper that always wanted to ride one of the zoo rhinos, but is discouraged by his superiors, so this was his answer:
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Dave & I went to Las Vegas for a few days on business (me) and pleasure (Dave). I've never been much of a gambler so Vegas has never been a "destination spot" for me. We landed around noon on Sunday and headed to the Bellagio hotel. We decided to walk down the Strip to see if there were any shows that still had seats left. "O" is playing at the Bellagio but was sold out. I told Dave we should see Celine Dion since she's ending her 5 year run soon but he wasn't interested. The Venetian had seats left for the Blue Man Group so we bought two. There was a brief discussion regarding which section we should sit in. Starting from front to back, there were seats available in poncho, none in front orchestra and then more in back orchestra. Dave picked two seats in poncho (more on this later). After securing our evening's entertainment, we went to the Stratosphere to ride the roller coaster. I wasn't sure what the ride was, but has heard it was fun. There are three rides at the top of the Stratosphere: Insanity, Big Shot, and Xscream. We bought tickets for Insanity and Xscream. The Insanity ride is nothing spectacular--it would probably be in the kiddie section of a typical amusement park. What makes Insanity so special is the fact that the entire ride takes place about 110 floors above the ground. The ride edges out over the top of the building so we can see all the cars that look like tiny dots below. I'm not sure we will do that one again. It was probably one of the scarier rides I've ever been on. The second ride was the Xscream. After Insanity, it was a piece of cake. We scoffed at Xscream and its pathetic attempt to scare us. All it did was zoom out over the edge a couple of times. Dave & I were in the front to get the best view.
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Hey, all. Sorry about the break in delivering the best of the Northwest, but we've been in Vegas the past few days. Forsaking the advice in the latest Vegas tourism campaign, we'll fill you in on all the frivolity in the next post. But this stanza is dedicated to the beer drinker's favorite time of year, Oktoberfest. Last Saturday, we attended the Fremont Oktoberfest with Lisa's friend from work and her husband. Luckily, both were savvy beer drinkers. [Apologies in advance for the photos in this blog as they were all taken with a camera phone as the dolt author of this blog forgot the camera]
While Fremont's celebration fell a bit short of its namesake in Munich, it was far superior to the Wallingford Wurst Festival that we attended a few weeks prior. First of all, there was beer, and lots of it. This is a critical element of any Oktoberfest celebration and this one did not disappoint. Fremont does something a bit different, though, that was a bit of an annoyance. Fremont's Oktoberfest is more of a tasting festival, so instead of the traditional BSOMS (Beer Steins of Massive Size) associated with Germany, we receive a small mug of on
ly about 4-5 oz in size. You can see one in the photo of Lisa with the bratwurst. Revelers were encouraged to try samples of many different beers. Having the small mug gave one access to about 70 or so microbrews...Ach du lieber! There were beer gardens where you could sit and enjoy a full beer, but the selection was limited.
The people-watching was fun, but there were far too few people sporting lederhosen. I vowed that I would purchase a pair in time to "authenticize" next year's event. The winner of best costume goes to this gentleman who sported a blond wig with braids and a t-shirt with a design of the torso of a german beer girl. The thing that made his outfit though was not the image of ample cleavage on the front of the shirt, but rather
his hairline. Though the picture is not great, you can see said hairline on his back about three inches above the collar of his shirt and a few inches below the bottom of the wig. We had to avert our eyes and these lovely ladies provided a much better view, er, had on much more authentic costumes.
Unfortunately, as our flights to Vegas were early on Sunday, we missed many of the events on this penultimate day of the event. I missed playing in the Beer Pong fundraising tournament. And there were several other events that seemed like they would be a blast:
More fun coming up this weekend with the Red Bull Soapbox Derby. Look for an update of that next week.
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[First an update on Lisa's first post: No progress. We now return you to the blog]
It's tough to say who our first visitors were in Seattle. With so many folks clamoring for the right to lay claim to that title (at least we'd like to think people are clamoring), we may have split the rights:
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