She was charged with bringing everyone up to date on our Labor Day Weekend activities with our first Seattle house guest (spoiler alert: it was Margaret), but obviously that has not happened yet so please feel free to pester her via a comment to this post or a personal e-mail if you want the poop. Truth is, Lisa started the post, but has yet to finish it and put it up for your reading pleasure. So I'll just have to pick up the slack. I do, after all have a few more hours each day to write while she wastes time with trivial stuff like commuting and working. But watch this space and we'll try to get her to finish the post before our next Seattle house guests (Earle and Kelli) show up in a couple of days.
I don't re
ally have that much to write about today since I don't want to steal Lisa's thunder and write about any of the fun weekend activities. I did manage to get a picture of the Cuban Roast sandwich from Paseo that I drooled about in a prior post. I don't know if I described it previously, but it consists of slow-cooked pork, very large and extremely tasty fried onions, romaine lettuce, jalapenos, and an awesome aioli. The pork, onions, and jalapenos are fried up in a skillet and dumped on the baguette with the lettuce and aioli. Mmmmmm...Cuban Roast Sandwich. I actually had to take a lunch break to go out and get this baby since I've been gainfully employed for the last week. While I still have some ongoing work with my former company that requires a day's work here and there, they contracted with me to do a short-term rush job that kept me busy for several days over the last two weeks. I'm just trying to earn my keep here.

For various reasons, we've been missing a few of the neat summer activities that Seattle has to
offer such as Seafair (several weeks worth of various events) and Bumbershoot (several days worth of music and entertainment festival). But we have a number of exciting things in September and October including Fremont Oktoberfest, a soap box derby on the main street near our home, and Trolloween, where the locals (Fremonsters) dress up and try to bring the troll under the bridge to life. I'm imagining we'll get a few good photos of these events, particularly the last
one. We stopped by the Fremont Arts Council that sponsors the event and took a shot inside so you get some idea of what we're expecting of Trolloween. The council is housed in a non-descript brick building on Fremont Ave. It's basically just a warehouse, but it's a world of wonderment inside where all of the colorful masks and puppetry that are used for the annual Solstice parade in Fremont are housed. I think that some of these make it out for the Trolloween parade. Watch this space for more details.

... try to bring the troll to life? ... are you sure that's not a euphamism for something else?
I abhor halloween.
Maybe we three should come up for something different....
TP, Mr.T & RT
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