Just a quick post today as Lisa and I are heading back to the east coast for Mark and Lucy's wedding in York, PA. Thus you'll all have to wait for the much anticipated description of my parents' visit this past weekend. For now, just a couple of quick tidbits on my trip to Myrtle Beach with the boys. This is primarily for Scott, who used his move to Phoenix as an excuse to bail on this year's trip. If Alan had his way, we'd have sent Scott text messages constantly throughout the weekend telling him what a good time we were having.Thanks to Mike for finding us another great house right on the beach (photo to the right is of the sunrise from our deck overlooking the dunes)
Congrats to Alex for putting together three great rounds of golf and not giving anyone else a chance at individual honors
Congrats to all of us who played three days of football on the beach, before and after golf, and managed to avoid any hospital visits
"Old School" play once again rules at the pong table...although any play by a bunch of guys approaching 40 has got to be considered old schoolKudos to Tommy for only two club throws in four days---and for getting out of this mess
Honors to JJ for worst travel experience by being stuck at Newark for 6 hours waiting for his flight to Myrtle to leave
And thanks to my team for putting the team competition pretty much out of reach on day 2
See you guys next year in Ireland...
[6.2] The PGA We Ain't
Earle continued his long history of really random injuries by ripping the skin off of the bottom of both big toes
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