The Yearlong Sabbatical Has Done Us Good?

Hi loyal blog viewers. And I know that there are several of you out there that have not given up on "Emerald City Styling" and still check every couple of weeks, clinging to the fleeting hope that this blog had not become extinct. It is you loyal few that will get the greatest charge now that you're here and no longer have to see that photo of the Canada/US international boundary marker at the top of the blog. This is our gift to you since after a year long hibernation, we're back, baby!!

I really have no idea how long I'll keep it up, and as loyal readers know, Lisa is not to be counted on for more than a post per decade. I make no promises, but frankly, we keep this blog more for ourselves than for the masses, so please enjoy while it lasts. On the bright side, we do have a lot to write about since this blog dropped off the face of the earth, so watch this space.

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